Feel the real
Skiing at Whistler was Sang's long-cherished dream... LoL=3
The whole 5 days 4 nights story starts from here.
Sang met his brother at YVR after 7 months.
For the first few days before Sang's friends got to Whistler,
Sang and his brother were trying to feel bunch of trails at WhistlerBlackcomb.Ahhh~ unbelievable!!
there were over 50cm of fresh powder!!
It was so good!!!!
They were skiing here and there, ridges and bowls.
This natural snow is the very thing that Sang really really wanted to be experienced for long...
On 3rd day, Sang's friend came up to Whistler and they were finally united. \^^/
Jiho, Miyoung, Machi, Eric and Julie
They all had a ultimate blast together.
Everybody seemed happy so Sang was so delighted.
His brother made them crazy laughing with his super blunt Gyeongsang-do dialect.
Jiho was teasing Julie constantly. funnily it really worked.kkk
Julie? She's so dangerous girl. It was around 3 am. She suddenly woke Eric up and let him turned off the light. Jesus!!! Even though Eric was taking a deeeep deeep sleep, she didn't care about it... @@
Machi, who were rescued by ski patrol on her 1st day, gave cheers when she succeeded in stacking up her blocks at the Zenga game. ^ㅅ^// You were great!
Actually this trip might be kind of "NHK Let's study Korean at Whistler" to her... ^^;;
But you've got along with them very well. Sang really appreciates her outstanding adaptation!
Eric, the special Chief Executive Chef (CEC) always sticked to his gun.
He never changed his cooking mystique... fortunately his dine was so tasty...
He will be killed unless it was delicious.. >_<;;
Trip was so good and also meaningful.
Hope this would remain on everyone's unforgettable memory forever...
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